Monday, 3 December 2007


Eek! I appear to have been promoted!

Except not, because we don't have promotion at Bristol, we have progression. Anyway, I have been moved from Level B ('In relation to research, the emphasis will be on developing, and starting to implement, a programme of research. Role holders will be developing their competence in teaching and will undertake a limited range of teaching responsibilities') to Level C ('They will be involved in a range of teaching activities, using a variety of approaches, on courses at undergraduate and postgraduate levels (including doctoral supervision), typically within established courses. Their research and/or scholarship, individually and/or collectively, will be published and will be advancing the state of knowledge in their particular discipline. Role holders at this level will be expected to be establishing a growing national reputation within their academic discipline.')

I really had better finish this book, hadn't I?


nixwilliams said...

i'll grow YOU a national reputation!

this is awesome news! i'm very happy for you. and fwiw i think you'd be an awesome supervisor.

Cathy Butler said...

Way to go, Ika!

Una McCormack said...

Oh, fantastic! There are some very lucky people out there who are going to be doing their PhDs with you.

glitterboy1 said...

Oh, well done, that's excellent news! And entirely right, too. I'm glad that they're recognising what you're doing, though I'm also more than a little envious of the students who get to be taught by you!

Anna Wilson said...

That's so great!! And very well deserved. They're lucky to have you there, doing exciting things and being awesome.

nixwilliams said...

psst, did you see this?