Thursday, 24 January 2008


Reading The Post Card in preparation for my Derrida paper; it's making me think that one of the hardest things in this paper will be to find a voice for it. Quoting Derrida's erotic, mashed-up, colloquial, dense, pyrotechnic craziness in 'Envois' in a paper written in a... serious, academic-objective, omniscient-narrator-style voice... would be really jarring. But on the other hand, the last thing the world needs is another academic article pastiching The Post Card (written as a letter, for example).

Also! This book arrived through the post today. I'm excited about reading it, not least because (according to a review I read of it, which I won't link to, as it annoyed me) it contains the word homobesotment, and I think it's going to address the question of 'greek love' vs contemporary 'homosexuality' and the associated questions about how to do queer history quite directly, which is great.

In the same parcel arrived this book, hilariously enough. Between the two of them I should be an expert on Plato by Monday!

1 comment:

Una McCormack said...

the last thing the world needs is another academic article pastiching The Post Card

Still, though - dare you to do it as LOLspeak.